HeadRoom Magic: Part 8




Resident Spotlight: The Charge Group

The Charge Group offers a customized health and nutrition program to corporations and busy individuals. Their goal is to completely tailor a nutrition strategy that meets your health goals. Their services are covered by most major insurance providers so there is no cost to the company or individual.

“The Charge Group joined HeadRoom in late 2015 when we were a small team of 3. HeadRoom gave us credibility to clients and prospects which helped us scale to 9 team members! With an easy booking process and access to a modern upscale office, hands down, HeadRoom helped our business grow!”~Mike McGrath, Managing Partner

Now that’s HeadRoom Magic!

The HeadRoom team designed coworking spaces, virtual business services, and limitless resources you can use to grow your small business or startup!

Learn more about our services: 



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